Revitalise! Dundee
The White Room Yoga Old Mill Complex Brown Street, Dundee
Join us to feel invigorated on this lively, joy filled day. Day will be peppered with laughter yoga, relaxation,uplifiting games and techniques which will be so much fun.Techniques can be done at home to help you experience more happiness in every day life and whole lot of laughs!
Joyworks! approach brings consistently outstanding client feedback.
Course will be led by Sharon Miller who has over 20 years experience in arts, education and rehabilitation. She trained in India with the founder of laughter yoga, Dr Kataria.
Join us on this popular Joyworks! day event to relax, re-invigorate and rejoice in fun!
A fun wee handout with activities based on recent scientific research to boost your own joy will be available.
‘Wonderful course. Reminded me that perspective is everything’ C.E.O Lifelink
Call now to secure a limited place. Booking is essential.
Pay via website or to Joyworks! BACS 09/01/27 47679779
Investment £75
Day doesn’t suit ? Join us in Glasgow on 9th Novemeber!