Seven Ways to Be Your Own Hero

Absolutely love getting messages like this and so happy for my lovely client.
How laughter gets us out of our heads and into our hearts into joy, love, acceptance and awe.
And there’s thirty years science backed research to show us just why that is.
This beautiful lass said she just loved making people laugh when she was at a meditation retreat and her fellow retreat member shared with her that actually was a job !
An idea completely new to her!
And so she got in touch and here we are enjoying the journey together before our live online sessions begin on May 20th.
She’s been soaking up the resources like a wee sponge and so thrilled she’s being her own hero, stepping into her own power and seeing the benefits already.
She’s becoming her own hero!
Here’s seven top ways we can become our own heroes…
By choosing joy anyway more every day despite what’s going on in our worlds 
Ha ha you knew I would say that however that’s a sure possibility when we  ……..
1. Talk kindly to ourselves like we would a best friend – we can’t be happy when we are beating ourselves up.
2. By having the courage to tell someone what’s really going on for us- heroes ask for help and celebrate doing so.

3. Set goals and take action: identify what you want to accomplish, create a plan of action, and take steps every day to move closer to your goals.  Happiness research shows when we see  progress we are happier. It doesn’t have to be the big stuff either -from cleaning out a cupboard to learning a new dish to taking up knitting or increasing your steps. Just choose the goal and enjoy the journey.


4. Practice self-care: Taking care of yourself is essential to becoming your own hero.

This includes getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, moving our bodies any way we can, and yes – so important-  taking time to do things that make you happy and bring you joy. 

Go on take 1 minute. Just one minute just now and write down what they are and make a promise to do  at least one today! 

5. Learn from your mistakes: Have a growth mindset. Celebrate mistakes.

Loved hearing the youngest self-made billionaire Sara Blakely share about how her father used to ask her every day after school – ‘What did you fail at today?’  How amazing is that.

She says failure was the reason for her success.

How we can all learn from that.  Moment by moment let’s choose (after feeling the feelings) to see failure as a beautiful stepping stone.

Mistakes are a natural part of life, let’s learn from them and grow as a result.

A grand habit is when you make a mistake, instead of shouting to everyone about how you made it and how terrible it was  🙂  (an old habit I used to have -being Scottish we are renowned for being self-depreciating)  is simply take time 5 minutes to reflect on what went wrong and what you could do differently in the future. Write it out, meditate on it.

I love to run through my day at the end of the night and see what I would change. I visualise myself and all my loved ones cheering myself on for tomorrow. 

Use this knowledge to be super kind to yourself and you’ll be more likely to avoid making the same mistake again.

6. Embrace challenges: Challenges are opportunities for growth and learning. Instead of shying away from them, let’s embrace them and use them as a chance to push yourself out of your comfort zone and develop new skills.  Yale University research actually discovered that the things that we think would scare us like losing a job or partner or failing an exam don’t actually deplete our happiness as much as we think it will.

We are resilient. We are all in this together. Remember that.


7. Believe in yourself: The most important aspect of becoming your own hero is believing in yourself. Trust your instincts, have confidence in your abilities, and don’t let fear hold you back.

With a positive mindset a belief in yourself and grand daily habits we can achieve miracles for ourselves.

In one of my events I remember asking ‘What gives you confidence?’

A lady replied – ‘Being loved’.

I didn’t expect that answer I was ready to share all my tips and tricks but ultimately she was right.

When we feel loved, valued and secure we can make great leaps in our life and sometimes the best way we can receive love is to be love.

Who can share some love, joy and fun with today?

Go on – by doing so you are being your own hero.

Love to you all Sharon
P.S   There’s still room for a few more in our two upcoming programmes.
Fully accredited international qualification train in laughter yoga – transform lives with joy by adding joy to your own & online resources are yours for life!
I’ll hold your hand every step of the way.
Interested send me a message +447713033096.
Or if you aren’t looking to train but ready for more joy in your own life join our online Joyworks for Self-compassion five week coaching programme in which we use singing, creativity and fun to radically change the way we feel about ourselves.
Or if you just need a laugh for free join our large beautiful global community every Friday at 6pm GMT
P.s And resources are yours as soon as you book