Unpack Joy – Four Fun Ways to Beat Festive Overwhelm – engage the senses

 1)Aromatherapy with Citrus Scents: Citrus scents like lemon or orange can reduce stress and anxiety, as suggested by science from the journal Complementary Therapies in Medicine. Try using citrus essential oils in a diffuser or around your space to bring calmness and ease overwhelm.

Research in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that lemon essential oil reduces anxiety and positively impacts mood.

Another study in the International Journal of Neuroscience confirmed that inhaling lemon essential oil has calming effects, significantly reducing stress levels.

2)Colour Therapy: Colours influence emotions. Incorporate calming colors like blue and green into your environment through decor or clothing to soothe your mind and ease overwhelm.

Research in Psychological Reports showed that blue or green environments promote relaxation and reduce stress more effectively than red or gray environments.  I realised the profound impact colour was when I was healing from illness. The joy that I experienced when I saw my yellow velvet couch in the living room  again continued to blossom as I stroked it and savoured it  over the months.  I’ve completley changed my wardrobe since then!

 3)Nature Immersion Research on the Japanese practice of Shinrin-Yoku (Forest Bathing) show spending time in natural settings like forests or parks lowers stress hormones and boosts well-being.

How often are you getting outside into nature?

A study by the Nippon Medical School in Japan found that forest bathing significantly reduced stress and promoted relaxation.

Research from the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health highlighted that time in natural environments, especially forests, improves mood and overall well-being.  So instead of your usual urban walk  excite yourself by planning and choosing a forest if you possibly can!

 4)Shift Your Mindset: Changing your language and mindset can reduce overwhelm.

Instead of “I’ve got so much to do,” try “Let’s see what I can get finished today.” Swap “I’m so tired” with “I want to relax,” and replace “I hate that” with “I prefer that.”

If you’ve been ‘Joy-worksing’ with me for a while you know these evidence-based approaches  that offer simple but effective ways to manage festive overwhelm.

Yet, knowing and doing are two different things.


I hope this wee blog inspires you to  love yourself enough to do it and get those senses joyfully engaged!

You deserve to feel relaxed and good over this holiday season .


You deserve to embrace these strategies and positive language to bring calmness and joy.


Wishing you a wonderful day,

Love Sharon


P.s Science tells us our brain is compelled to answer anything we ask it.

While researching for this blog I bought a blue and green vase and changed my Christmas lights to blue and green too! What question are you going to ask your beloved mind today to look for the answers to?


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